Tuesday, 29 November 2016

                                            Myth or fact
The idea that cold weather causes a cold or flu is a common myth. Many people believe it, but it is not in fact true. Write a short email to a friend or a family member telling him/her other examples of common beliefs about health that have been proven to be untrue.
Ask one of your peers to check your writing before publishing.
Dear Rania
I was so happy when I heard you are pregnant. You have an adorable girl Madnah, and I hope you will get a wonderful boy.
I remembered when I was pregnant, my mum told me that she dreamt that I born a nice girl. She was so happy because of her dream.
I realized later that she wishes me to be pregnant with a boy. It is an old myth said that if you dream that you have a girl, it mean that you will have a boy. Many myth our parents are still believe it. So please don’t care of these myths, it’s just unreal.
Hope you get a nice baby, and you will be ok

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